DYI? or do I need a licensed builder for this?

You will need a LBP (Licensed Building Practitioner) if you are doing what the council/legislation deems as ‘restricted building work’.  That is any work that involves the building’s structure, weather tightness or design of fire safety systems.

For example:

  1. Work that contributes to the resistance of vertical (such as walls and columns) and horizontal loads (such as foundation, floors and roofs)
  2. Damp-proofing your floor area, on and underneath floors
  3. Roof and wall cladding systems (windows, ventilators, openings and penetrations etc.) 
  4. Waterproofing anything that is exposed to airborne moisture or can allow moisture to enter the building, such as a balcony 
  5. Elements intended to protect people and property from fire, such as automatic doors/windows and escape routes.

Why restricted building work (RBW) is important? It is because it is critical to the integrity of a building. It must be done properly to ensure the building is structurally sound and weathertight.  And because this work is so important, RBW can only be done or supervised by tradespeople who have proven they are properly skilled –LBPs. LBPs are assessed before getting licensed and have to maintain their skills to keep their licence.

RBW and the requirement to use LBP to do it, was brought in on 1 March 2012 (through changes to the Building Act 2004).

It is an offence for an unlicensed person to carry out or supervise RBW. It is also an offence to knowingly engage an unlicensed person to carry out or supervise restricted building work.

Hope this helps and call me if you need an LBP for your project.

Brett Rhodes

Licensed Building Practitioner

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